by Christopher Cox, c. 2018

Printed by DL Screenprinting
6x Color Screenprint w/ Glow in the Dark Layer
Run of 50

This was the first poster I commissioned, while I was still in high school. I reached out to Christopher Cox as a massive fan of his poster for SE7EN, suggesting he do a matching poster for Zodiac as a companion piece. Apparently he had already been tossing around that idea, so we decided to bring it to fruition together.

I was fairly hands off with art-direction goes on this one. Since it was being made as a companion piece for a past poster of Chris’, we both had similar expectations for the composition and general layout.

Chris did the heavy lifting, pushing his style to illustrate all the different elements. I tried to absorb as much as I could about the process: managing payments, controlling expectations, building relationships with printers, packing, shipping, etc. The challenges within the process became clear, but it was genuinely fulfilling to see all that work pay off with the printed poster.


Kill Bill Vol. 1 by Saniose